Wednesday 7 January 2015

Benefits of paprika for eye and beauty and health of the skin

Benefits of paprika for eye and beauty and health of the skin

Did you know that Benefits of paprika for eye and beauty and health of the skin, Paprika is a spice made from air-dried fruits of the chili pepper family of the species Capsicum annuum. Although paprika is often associated with Hungarian cuisine, the chilies from which it is made are native to the New World.

Here are some Benefits of paprika for eye and beauty and health of the skin

Paprika is very low in calories. Even though you spend a full cup of peppers, there are only 45 calories in it. However, these portions have been able to provide vitamin A and C intake daily.

Because it is rich in vitamin C, eat peppers able to maintain a healthy immune system and skin rejuvenation. Among different color, red peppers are the most vitamin C.

Peppers, especially red, also contain phytochemicals and beta-carotene which is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent that is good.

Capsaicin found in peppers have various health benefits. For example, lower bad cholesterol, control diabetes, control pain and inflammation.

If the peppers lightly cooked on low heat, it will be sweeter and nutrients flavonoids in it can be obtained optimally.

Sulfur content in peppers play a role in fighting certain types of cancer.

The peppers are rich in vitamin E, which is able to maintain the beauty and health of the skin naturally from the inside.

Other vitamins that can be found in peppers is B6. Usefulness for the body is to maintain a healthy nervous system and regenerate cells.

Some of certain enzymes in the peppers, such as lutein, able to protect the eyes from cataracts in old age.

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