The rambutan is a medium-sized tropical tree in the family Sapindaceae. The name also refers to the fruit produced by this tree. The rambutan is native to Philippines, Malaysia and other regions of tropical Southeast Asia. It is closely related to several other edible tropical fruits including the lychee, longan, and mamoncillo.
The name 'rambutan' is derived from the Malay language word for rambut or "hair", a reference to the numerous hairy protuberances of the fruit, together with the noun-building suffix -an. In Vietnam, it is called chôm chôm (meaning "messy hair") due to the spines covering the fruit's skin.
Rambutan is native to tropical Southeast Asia and commonly grown throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. It has spread from there to various parts of Asia, Africa, Oceania and Central America.
Although its precise natural distribution is unknown, it is thought to have originated on the Malay peninsula. The earliest historical record of rambutan trees show that they were cultivated by the Malayan jungle tribes around their temporary settlements, a practice followed to date. The widest variety of cultivars, wild and cultivated, are still found in Malaysia.
Here are some Health Benefits of Eating Rambutan Fruit for your body and beauty :What are the Health Benefits of Eating Rambutan Fruit for your body and beauty ?
Energy boost your body.
For those of you who are easily tired in various work routines, eating rambutan fruit can increase energy quickly. This is because, rambutan contains a number of carbohydrates and proteins required by your body.
Keeping Body Of Various Free Radicals.
The air we breathe every second also carry harmful substances called free radicals. Rambutan fruit contains vitamin C is beneficial to maintain and protect the body from free radicals.
Effective Weight Loss.
Rambutan fruit containing a source of fiber and water. Thus filling the body and makes you hungry is not easy in a relatively long time.
Anemia The Powerful antidote.
Source of iron in the fruit rambutan could avoid dizziness and fatigue make someone with work activities that are so dense.
The Potent Cancer Prevention.
Gallic acid contained in fruit rambutan can destroy free radicals in the body that are potentially lead to various cancers.
Body Strengthens Immune System.
Copper content in the fruit rambutan huge benefit in the manufacture of white blood cells. These white blood cells that charge against a variety of viruses, germs and bacteria that are harmful to your body.
Kidney Organ Healthier.
The content of phosphorus in the fruit rambutan significant role in eliminating waste is concentrated organ in your kidneys.
Read also about Health benefits of rambutan fruit for Diet (Lose Weight)
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benefits of rambutan fruit for Diet (Lose Weight)
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benefits of rambutan fruit for Diet (Lose Weight)
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