Friday, 22 May 2015

What are the Health benefits of an Eating Muntingia Fruit

What are the Health benefits of an Eating Muntingia Fruit (Cerry Fruit)

Muntingia calabura, the sole species in the genus Muntingia, is a flowering plant native to southern Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and western South America south to Peru and Bolivia.Common names include (English) Jamaican cherry, Panama berry, Singapore cherry, Sabah cherry, Bajelly tree, Strawberry tree; (Spanish) bolaina, yamanaza, cacaniqua, capulín blanco, nigua, niguito, memizo or memiso; (Indonesia) kersen, talok; (Vietnamese) (cây) Trứng cá; and (Filipino) aratilis, and sarisa.

Every 100 grams of cherry has a content which is divided as follows: Water (77.8 grams), Protein (0,384 grams), fat (1.56 gram), carbohydrate (17.9 grams), fiber (4.6 grams), Abu (1.14 grams), calcium (124.6 mg), phosphorus (84mg), iron (1.18 mg), Carotene (0,019g), Tianin (0,065g), Ribofalin (0,037g), Niacin (0.554 g) and the content of vitamin C (80.5 mg) value of energy produced is 380KJ / 100 grams.

Well if you talk to nutritional problems, in every 100 grams of this plant contain: 76.3 g of water, 2.1 g protein, 2.3 g fat, 17.9 g carbohydrate, (, 0 g fiber, 1.4 g ash , 125 mg calcium, 94 mg phosphorus, 0,015 mg of vitamin A, 90 mg of vitamin C. The energy is 380 kJ / 100 g.

Nutrient content of Cerry fruit (Muntingia) :

Although the fruit is often used to decorate the cake. This tiny fruit that one turned out to save some important compounds are efficacious for health.

This is evidenced by a study and written by Julia F Morton in his book entitled "Fruits of Warm Climates" in 1987. According to him, there are at least 12 types of compounds contained in this cherry fruit.

Every 100 grams of cherry fruit contains:
  • Water as much as 77.8 grams
  • 1.56 grams total fat
  • As much as 0.324 grams protein
  • Calcium as much as 124.6 milligrams
  • 4.6 grams fiber
  • 1.18 milligrams of iron
  • Phosphorus as much as 84 milligrams
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) of 0.065 milligrams
  • Vitamin C (antioxidant or Ascorbic Acid) as much as 80.5 milligrams
  • Carotene as much as 0,019 milligrams
  • Niacin much as 0.554 milligrams
  • Riboflavin much as 0,037 milligrams

Here are Some Other Health benefits of an Eating Muntingia Fruit :

1. Antibacterial
According to some studies, cherry has antibacterial properties that are comparable to standard antibiotics commonly used in the medical world. The researchers also found a strong antibacterial compounds in cherry fruit.

2. Antioxidants

A study also showed that high levels of antioxidants in cherry fruit. Antioxidants served to strengthen the body's immune system and fight free radicals that can cause cancer.

3. Antiseptic
Cherry leaf decoction can kill microbes or can be used as an antiseptic. Cherry leaf proven to kill bacteria, including: C. diphtheriae, S. aureus, P. vulgaris, S. epidermidis, and K. Rhizophil. Anti-bacterial properties that originate from the compound contained in the leaves of cherry, such as tannins, flavonoids and saponins.

4. Anti-inflammatory
Cherry leaf decoction also has anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) and also can reduce fever.

5. Anti-tumor
Cherry leaves are also reported to have anti-tumor effects. Flavonoid which is owned by cherry leaves are known to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

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6. Treating gout
In Indonesia, cherry fruit is often used to treat gout. Cherry fruit is also proven to reduce the pain caused by gout.

7. Protect the heart
Cherry leaf extract is also known to protect the myocardium that have an impact on a significant reduction in leakage restriction enzyme of myocardium.

8. Abdominal cramps
Cherry flowers can be used as an antiseptic and to treat stomach cramps. You only need to boil the waste cherry and drinking water.

9. Anti-cancer
One study found an anti-cancer properties of the cherry tree, with the discovery of new cytotoxic flavonoids in roots cherry.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "What are the Health benefits of an Eating Muntingia Fruit" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this artikle via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

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