What are the Health Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer
Noni Fruit (Morinda citrifolia) is a tree in the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Its native range extends through Southeast Asia and Australasia, and the species is now cultivated throughout the tropics and widely naturalised.
All parts of the noni plant can be used as medicine. As the roots can be used to treat seizures and tetanus, lowers blood pressure, drug fever, and tonic. The bark is used to cure malaria, tonic, antiseptic on the wound, or deflates Swelling of the skin. The leaves can be used to cure dysentery, intestinal spasms, dizziness, vomiting - vomiting and fever. The fruit can be used for the laxative urine, mismanagement - mismanagement, skin softener, seizures - seizures, asthma, respiratory disorders, and inflammation of the lining of the joints.
Health Benefits of Noni Fruit for Treating Cancer
Polysaccharides are widely found in noni can be used to mencegakmenempelnya cells damaged / mutated into another cell, so as to prevent the occurrence of metastases
Damnacanthal, anthaquinon kind can be used to inhibit the growth of malignant cells and stop the flow of blood to the tumor tissue, so as to stop the development.
Epigollocatechin gallate (EGOg), an antioxidant flavonoid polyphenols that many terdapatr in noni can be used to prevent cell mutations and induces apoptosis in abnormal cells.
Terpenoids in noni prevent malignant cell division and induce apoptosis. One of his terpenoids, limonene which proved effective to cope with breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and leukemia. Other terpenoids, beta-carotene, helps stimulate the thymus gland to produce more sek T lymphocytes that can directly destroy cancer cells. While Ursolic acid triterpenoids also included in the class can be used to prevent abnormal cell growth of cancer.
Proxeronine, proxeroine converted in the gut into the body xeronine also produced in limited quantities is required to activate the protein throughout the cell before it is used in chemical processes of the body. Xeronine also improve the structure and normalize the function of the body's cells are damaged because basically every cell contains protein, the adequacy xeronine can repair any kind of abnormal cells.
Damnacanthal, anthaquinon kind can be used to inhibit the growth of malignant cells and stop the flow of blood to the tumor tissue, so as to stop the development.
Epigollocatechin gallate (EGOg), an antioxidant flavonoid polyphenols that many terdapatr in noni can be used to prevent cell mutations and induces apoptosis in abnormal cells.
Terpenoids in noni prevent malignant cell division and induce apoptosis. One of his terpenoids, limonene which proved effective to cope with breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and leukemia. Other terpenoids, beta-carotene, helps stimulate the thymus gland to produce more sek T lymphocytes that can directly destroy cancer cells. While Ursolic acid triterpenoids also included in the class can be used to prevent abnormal cell growth of cancer.
Proxeronine, proxeroine converted in the gut into the body xeronine also produced in limited quantities is required to activate the protein throughout the cell before it is used in chemical processes of the body. Xeronine also improve the structure and normalize the function of the body's cells are damaged because basically every cell contains protein, the adequacy xeronine can repair any kind of abnormal cells.
That's what you get from consuming noni. Actually there are a lot of other noni benefits that you can get. For those of you who have children or have visible symptoms - symptoms of the cancer immediately prevented by consuming noni. Prevent early and handle existing symptoms as soon as possible. Read also various other benefits of noni on the next article.
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