Thursday, 30 October 2014

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for Beauty and your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

What are the Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for Beauty and your body

Passion fruit oval like an egg. Fruit skin color varied, but generally yellow, purple, or red gold. The meat is very soft and watery fruits with small seeds are soft and edible. It was sweet, fresh and very high water content.

The content of nutrients and phytonutrients
  • Sugar.
  • Provitamin A (carotenoids) and vitamin C.
  • Minerals iron, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium / potassium.

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for your body

Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for Beauty and your body ;

Sources of vitamin C. Fruit Passion fruit is one of the fruits with vitamin C is very good. Consuming passion fruit meets about 50 percent of your daily vitamin C needs.

Source of antioxidants. Passion fruit is a fruit with a high content of antioxidants powerful enough against various diseases such as cancer and inflammation.

Maintain digestive health. Passion fruit useful to address a wide range of digestive problems such as constipation. This fruit is also an excellent remedy for the treatment of hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Rich in Beta carotene. The Carotain content the passion fruit can encourage the development of bones and teeth, tissue repair, reduces the risk of arthritis, Parkinson's disease and depression.

Rich in iron content. Passion fruit is one of the foods that contain iron is quite high. In 1 cup passion fruit contains about 4 mg of iron.

Contains folate. passion fruit is known as one of the foods that contain folic acid is good enough, folic acid works to maintain mental health and brain, and can help prevent birth defects during the pregnancy of the mother. In addition, folic acid may also lower cholesterol and improve circulation.

Help stabilize weight. Passion fruit can help in weight loss because it contains lower calories, sodium and fat. Although low in calories and fat also passion fruit is also rich in carbohydrates and natural sugars that can quickly increase your stamina after a tired activity.

Contains high fiber. Passion fruit is an excellent source of fiber. In 100 g of Passion fruit containing 10.4 g or 27% fiber. Fiber is needed to diet and help lower cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the fiber in the passion fruit can also help protect the mucous membrane of the intestine by reducing exposure to toxic substances in the colon as well as the binding of a chemical is the cause of cancer in the colon.

Contains high potassium. Passion fruit is very rich in potassium. In 100 g of passion fruit contains about 348 mg of potassium. Potassium is a very important component to help regulate heartbeat and blood pressure stability.

Good for asthmatics. passion fruit nutrients that can relieve an asthma attack. In addition because this fruit contains vitamin C, passion fruit also has the effect of blocking the histamine that causes asthma symptoms.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Passion Fruit ( Passiflora edulis) for Beauty and your body" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter (@D_Vegetarian) so your friends know this information.

Good Luck :)

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