Friday 8 May 2015

Health benefits of Carica for Beauty and your Body

What are the Health benefits of Carica for Smooth Ingestion, The neutralization of the Intestine, Eye Health, Healthy Skin, Sources of Energy and Prevent Cancer

The papaya is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, and is one of the 22 accepted species in the genus Carica of the plant family Caricaceae. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, perhaps from southern Mexico and neighbouring Central America. It was first cultivated in Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classical civilizations.

Carica fruit nutrition content

Not many people know the efficacy of fruit Carica for health and just know that this fruit has a sour taste and a fresh course. Carica Padahalbuah contains much fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, enzymes papain, and Calcium which is certainly beneficial for our body. Well, the content - the content is exactly what makes the fruit of Carica has many benefits. Here is a fruit of Carica good properties for health or other:

What are the Health benefits of Carica for Smooth Ingestion, The neutralization of the Intestine, Eye Health, Healthy Skin, Sources of Energy and Prevent Cancer

Carica fruit benefits to a wide variety of content that is indeed very good for the health of the body, such as:

1. Smooth Ingestion

High fiber content in the fruit carica useful for digestion, moreover for those who have problems to disposal, carica fruit could be a solution. It also can help the absorption of protein.

2. The neutralization of the Intestine

The content of the enzyme papain in carica fruit is less when compared to the papaya fruit, but the content is more effective, because almost all can be absorbed by the body. In addition the enzyme papain can also be useful to neutralize the pH and kill the bad bacteria in the intestines.

3. Eye Health

Carica fruit is rich in vitamin A and a number implies more than the carrot. One of its functions is healthy eyes, especially for nearsightedness.

4. Healthy Skin

For those of you who want to beautify themselves, especially for the health of the skin does not hurt to try carica fruit consumption, with vitamin C and vitamin E, which can counteract free radicals can also avoid the sun's UV rays damage also reduces wrinkles on the skin, keeping the skin moist.

5. Sources of Energy

Vitamin B complex in carica fruit an important effect on the body's metabolic processes that can produce energy.

6. Prevent Cancer

Carica fruit also contains a substance agrinin, where these substances can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells.

Enjoy! I hope this article adding you more clarity.
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