What are the Health Benefits of Apricots Fruit for Beauty and During Pregnancy (Pregnant Women)
Apricots (Prunus armeniaca), the most commonly cultivated apricot species, also called ansu apricot, Siberian apricot, Tibetan apricot, is a species of Prunus, classified with the plum in the subgenus Prunus.
Apricots can be a healthy addition to the diet of an expecting mother. However, it is very important that you wash them properly to get rid of parasites and harmful bacteria that results in food borne disease like listerosis and toxoplasmosis according to the American Pregnancy Association and FDA.
Here are some amazing Health Benefits of Apricots Fruit for Beauty and During Pregnancy (Pregnant Women) :Health Benefits of Apricots Fruit for Beauty and During Pregnancy (Pregnant Women)
Belonging to the Rosaceae family, apricots include plumps, peaches, cherries and almonds. According to research findings around 1 to 2 kernels can be safely consumed on a daily basis. Here we shall look closely at the benefits of apricot during pregnancy:
1. Overcoming constipation
High fiber content makes apricots are often recommended for treating constipation.
In addition, the fruit is also able to assist in digestion and destroys intestinal worms.
2. Benefits to the eye
The high levels of beta carotene in apricots is beneficial to increase eye health, especially in preventing macular degeneration.
Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body from many health problems such as Alzheimer's disease.
3. Prevent cancer and heart disease
Apricots are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene. These antioxidants may reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease.
4. Treating anemia
Apricots can be used to treat anemia. This is because the apricots contain minerals such as iron and copper that helps in the production of hemoglobin.
5. Relieves asthma
Apricots health benefits including its ability to relieve symptoms of asthma, tuberculosis, and bronchitis.
6. Healthy Skin
Apricot oil was found effective in skin care. In addition to making your skin glow and smooth, apricot oil was also able to treat scabies and eczema.
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