Wednesday 1 April 2015

Health Benefits of Salak Fruit For Weight Loss (Diet)

[Fruit] Health Benefits of salak for diet and eye (Salacca, Salacca edulis)

What are The Health Benefits of salak for diet Weight Loss (Diet) and eye (Salacca, Salacca edulis)

Salak is a species of palm tree native to Java and Sumatra. It is cultivated in other regions as a food crop, and reportedly naturalized in Bali, Lombok, Timor, Malaysia, Maluku and Sulawesi.

Health Benefits of Salak Fruit For Weight Loss (Diet)

Here are some Health Benefits of salak for diet Weight Loss (Diet) and eye (Salacca, Salacca edulis) :

Maintain Eye Health
Fruits contain beta-carotene which is very good for maintaining eye health. And bark are also 5.5 times greater than mangoes and 5 times larger than a watermelon.

Diarrhea drug

When you do not stop-stop bowel movement or diarrhea you should consume these fruits, because the bark has a high fiber so it can be able to treat diarrhea.

helping Diet

For those of you who want to lose weight or diet, it is good for your fruits consumed. With the content of phytonutrients that exist in the bark can help your diet. Salak also has 2mg of Vitamin C. Why fiber can help? because the fiber can make you full faster and longer lasting.

But, you also need to know. If you consume too much in a day will have an impact of constipation or difficult bowel movements. And eating the right fruits in a day is only about 4-5 pieces. When eating fruits, lots of people peeling bark or cleaning the epidermis. And it is wrong, even in the husk has high fiber. So, if you now want to consume fruits.

Thus I created this article to provide information on the "Health Benefits of Salak Fruit For Weight Loss (Diet)" may be able to give a good knowledge for the readers. If this article is pleased and feel good, would you to share this article via Facebook, Twitter so your friends know this information.

Good Luck :)
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